Tuesday 5 November 2013

Zodiac Signs Matter When it Comes to Online Dating

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Almost everyone of us want to know about romantic life ahead and the 12 astronomical signs undoubtedly serve as a guide to all love, dating and relationships in 2013.  Barrie Dolnick, the revered astrologist not only gives romantic forecast for the year 2013 but also includes one-word explanation of your dating status for the next 12 months.

Aries: Leading
As you are flirtatious in nature you may have some temporary dates and relationships during the first half year but with the plopping of Jupiter into Cancer around July you have a serious romantic date coming your way. You will come out well-behaved and sensitive which is quite contradictory to the basic character of Arians.

Tauras: Charismatic
Being a Taurian you focus more on money, work and good living life but this year will definitely pull you towards love. You need to be progressive in your thinking and try hard to set-up a good romantic date for yourself. The final move of Jupiter into Cancer will bring you new relationships provided you don’t distract yourself with old ideas.

Gemini: Charming
Freeing yourself from the tentacles of a monotonous January, you will lend into a frame where a cozy and flirty date awaits for further exploration. Saturn will keep you disciplined and you need to play with utmost respect for the prize is too heavy-love.

Cancer: Breathtaking
Cancerians spend a lot of time comparing pros and cons but this year throws a new light in their romantic lives. With the popping of Jupiter around your birthday, you witness new adventures and fresh energy to turn them into a winning streak. Do away with your mothering habits and instead switch to romance for something beautiful.

Leo: Deep
You will experiment and have fun with your dates but this year is all set to bestow a true love affair on you. As time passes by, Saturn moves into Scorpio and Jupiter hooks up with Cancer opening a world of new love possibilities and lots of luck coming your way. Provided you decide that are you ready to take on a serious love journey.

Virgo: Appealing
As you are a problem-solver love comes secondary to you but this gives you a golden chance to unravel your love-life which treasures something very productive and appealing. While your work needs you the most, your heart will dominate your mind with the gliding of Jupiter into Cancer this summer. The initial six months you can have fun around but with your birthday at the doorstep, you seem to be heading towards a serious romantic relationship.

Libra: Irresistible
Moving of Saturn in Scorpio planet will take a toll on other priorities like work, responsibility and other serious life problems. For the first six months you will get plenty of chances to turn dates into romantic feats but shift of Jupiter into Cancer will turn you into a star with lots of attractive dates. No hard-work and you will get the love of your life.

Scorpio: Certain
If you are looking forward to a passionate love-affair this may be the best time for you as your Saturn wants you to be productive in all walks of life this year. Love is no different and there is no scope of shortcuts, fibs and sneaking around for temporary relationships. Moving of Jupiter into Gemini will give you endless opportunities to flirt and experiment and open to new romantic adventures.

Sagittarius: Lively
Your love life may seem somewhat hazy in the initial months but as your Jupiter moves into Cancer this summer you will come out with flying colors. Dishing out short attention span for romantic prospects out of your life, you will get into some serious dating and love interests.

Capricorn: Inspired
You work hard to get successful in relationships and that has always proved fruitful to you. Your planet Jupiter rest in Gemini but Cancer mid-summer will bring a hope to your love relationship. No need to work 24/7 for it is time to play, flirt and date around to enjoy the most romantic escapades.

Aquarius: Dynamic
Career seems to be the top most priority according to your stars but there is no denying the fact that you will tread upon a serious relationship during the first half of this yearr where you will find a desirable partner. But again the whole planetary frame will shift you to getting more involved in work. What you need to do is strike a balance between the work and love life giving love as the top listing on your deed menu.

Pisces: Vibrant

The Pisces people will have big expectations when it comes to love and dating. Your first six months will be spent dating around which will get you into one-year relationship of ardent love. It’s just that you need to be single-minded about your partner and how you want him or her to be. Be patient and stay calm till you get successful in love.